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How to Use Trending Instagram Hashtags Effectively

Use trending hashtags for Instagram strategically to reach as many users as possible. A hashtag categorizes a post where people who are interested in a certain topic can find it — which means that hashtags are a great way to find your target audience. Create a good user experience for Instagram users by only using relevant hashtags on your posts. That way, you won’t waste the time of anybody who’s not interested.

The first thing you’ll need to do is learn how to find trending hashtags on Instagram. One method of doing this is simply searching for hashtags on Instagram. Type a general hashtag — such as “fashion” — into the search bar and Instagram will give you a list of related hashtags to peruse.

Another way to find trending Instagram hashtags is to use hashtag generators. These tools, which are usually free to use, give you a list of related hashtags when you type a word into the search bar. There are also filtering options that allow you to view hashtags with a certain number of posts.

How To Create A Hashtag That Will Start Trending in 2022

You can also create your own trending hashtags for Instagram. Start small, using a simple yet unique branded hashtag on all of your posts. Promote the hashtag often via posts and Instagram Stories and ask your followers to share posts with the hashtag, too. By taking these steps, you’ll slowly begin to see your hashtag grow. If you play your cards right, it might even start trending.

Here’s a good example: World of Dance, a television show, has created a couple of branded hashtags that have amassed a sizable following. One is #thisiswod, created to share videos from the TV show. Another is simply #worldofdance. World of Dance promoted the hashtag to the show’s viewers first and then slowly began to expand into the broader dance community. Now, the hashtags have thousands of posts and followers and are frequently used by dancers around the world.

To have an even better chance of creating a trending hashtag, find a timely hook to include: Take a story that’s in the news or an event everybody’s buzzing about and link it back to your company somehow. This will help more social media users pick up on your hashtag and begin using it, too.

The Takeaway

Trending hashtags can be hugely helpful if you use the right ones. It might take a little work to figure out which tags are best for your brand, but once you’ve got your list of hashtags dialed in, you can start growing your account. Just be flexible and willing to tweak your hashtags throughout the year if needed. By using 2022 trending hashtags, you can give your brand the visibility boost it needs in 2022 and beyond.

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